Cartoon Woodchuck PSA

Character voices are a blast to perform! Voiceover artist Tim Hill has been making goofy voices into a microphone since he got a cassette deck for Christmas as a kid. Newspaper comics and Mad Magazine were always great sources for material (when he wasn’t making up his own). When the opportunity came his way to audition for this fun PSA promoting Georgia’s “Call Before You Dig” campaign, he was thrilled to book the job. As a bonus he got to record it as a live directed session with the agency account representative, producer and the other voice talent on a video conference call.

Society of Aspirational Woodchucks mascot cartoon image.
Our beloved mascot, Dusty the Woodchuck.

Another fun thing about this project is that Tim has always had a bit of an affinity for woodchucks. He even created a graphic for a comedic t-shirt idea – the Society of Aspirational Woodchucks (S.A.W.). Which begs the question: how much wood WOULD a woodchuck chuck if indeed a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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